When I asked God -
"What happens if I fall along the way?"
God said -
"My Child, I will always be there to pick you up and tend your wounds."
- Jude 1:24
Simple answer, but so awesome in thought. We all know that as we walk this journey with our Lord, we are all going to have those times when we fall along the way. Either we lose our way for a bit, or we take a wrong turn, (to put it in this context), or we just stumble. Our peace is in the fact that we know He is there to always pick us up. No matter the reason, no matter the cause. All we gotta do is call on Him, and He is there. Isn't that an awesome thought? Do you really think of it like that? Or do you just take it for granted? I think we all at times, take it for granted. Do we DAILY remember His sacrifice? Do we keep it utmost in our minds, how He suffered for our cause? As I think about the times I have fell along the way, or stumbled, I am saddened. Because I don't keep it as my main focus, is why I know, that I fall. His Word says that if we keep Him the focus, we won't fall into these traps. We will know our way and it will be made clear. So then, why do we fall? Because we take our eyes off the prize, Jesus Christ! We get caught up in the ways of the world, or it becomes all about me! We forget, that we were made to glorify Him! I heard my pastor say this morning, that we "were created for another world." Wow...think on that one for just a minute. Really makes you think, right? His sermon was on how we are to seek after righteousness. Our Sunday School lesson was on the same track with how we are to live holy lives. We are to be holy, because He is holy. That is what he commands of us (Lev. 19:2)to live holy lives. And I think when we strive to do this, we will stumble and fall, less and less. But as we do this, we have the reassurance that He will be there each and every time, to pick us up and, as the expression goes, "tend our wounds." I know in my own life, He has never let me down, or never forsaken me. He always gives me exactly what I need, not want, but need! I came across a scripture the other day that said, when we earnestly seek God's will for our lives and not our own, we will truly find real contentment. Oh, how true. As I sat in worship service today, I was reminded of what an awesome God we serve.
As I sit here tonight, writing this blog, I am enveloped in this awesomeness. I feel so snug and cuddled beneath His wings. Right where I need to be. Amen? Quite a few days have went by since I last blogged, and for that, I am sorry. Seems lately my time has been pulled in one way or another, and this blogging fell to the bottom of the list. Commitments of every nature, plague me and rally for my time. God gently drew me back to Him through this writing tonight, and I see now why. For He wants to remind me, to keep my focus on HIM! Whether it is through, blogging, praying, witnessing, reading and studying His Word, singing praises, praying with a friend, or whatever the case, but to be "aware" of the focus! For His Word says, "in all things to acknowledge Him!"
Father, thank you for your reminders to me today and may I always keep YOU the focus of my life.
Praying too, that if you don't know Him as your Lord and Savior, that you too, will find that focus for YOUR LIFE!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
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