Saturday, April 24, 2010

Failing the tests?

When I asked God -
"Why do I always seem to fail your tests?"

God said -
"It's because you are not doing your homework...Study My Book!"

- Psalm 119:11

Wow...that kinda says it all, right? It is so true. How are we to know what we are to do and how to do it, if we never study His Word? So many people say, "Why do I need to go to church, I can worship God anywhere." And yes, that is true, you can. But His Word says we are to fellowship together and for lots of reasons but one main one is so that we can study His Word and get to know Him. We study it and we look at it and discuss how and what God is trying to say to each of us through it. I know from my own experience, I truly grow more and more when I am in His Word on a daily basis. Not just on Sunday morning in Sunday School and in worship service. And yes, I certainly grow from those times too, but there is just something about being in a class where there are other Christians and sharing and discussing His Word. I draw so much insight from others and I feel that I can share about things that are going on in my own life and I get encouragement when needed. I learn that all of us have our ups and our down times and we are all in need of God and His Amazing Grace in our lives. It strengthens us as a whole and also as an individual. We grow closer in our walk with the Father. It is just like this childlike question asked, failing a test. When we were in school, to pass the test, we had to study. We had to KNOW the subject, right? Well, it is the same here. God wants us to KNOW HIM! In every way. Are you studying the book?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

#6-child-like expressions

When I asked God -
"How do I know that you are leading me down the right road?"

God said -
"Because My Child...I will never ask you to go anywhere that I cannot lead you."

- Psalm 27:11

How many times have you taken a road and not really fully known where you are going? Been there myself many times. You find yourself looking for signs to show you where to go next or how to turn around and get yourself back on the right road. Maybe it is a new location that you have never been in or around. Those are the worst. Today we have all kinds of spruced up technology designed to help us get to and from. But for the Christian, we have always had the information right at our fingertips. But the question is, do we use it? Do we rely on it? God's Word was given to us for just that reason. To be a roadmap for our lives. And when we question the things of our life, such as His leading down the right road, we have only to open His Word and search the scriptures and there we will find our answers. He promises to never take us or lead us anywhere that He himself has not already walked ahead of us and prepared the way. There will for certain be times where we cannot see what lies ahead, but we need only to cling to His Word that He is already there. There are times when this is hard to do. Our faith is strengthened even more in those times. For it is then when we learn to fully rely on HIM! Those are our times of growth. When we look back we then see it, and are stronger for it.

#5, child-like expressions

When I asked God -
"Does darkness ever come to heaven?"

God said -
"Oh no, My Child...the "son" is forever shining!"

- Isaiah 60:19

The "Son" is forever shining! Wow...what an awesome thought. To be where there is never any darkness. Can you just imagine that? I know with our human minds it is hard to conceive that image or thought in our minds. But His Word says that, God will be our glory, His light will always be there shining on us. Heaven will be so glorious, we won't be wanting or needing for anything. As the song says, "I can only imagine!" And even then, I don't think that my mind can fully wrap itself around a thought of that magnitude. One of the things I do know, is that I want that! I want that knowledge and feeling of all that heaven has to offer. And by living for the "Son" while here in this world, I am promised that. Do you live for Him? Are you assured that you too will be in heaven one day? If you aren't, do you know that you can be assured? His Word says this in 1 John 5:13: I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may KNOW that you have eternal life. Come to the fountain and fully know Him today...He is waiting!

Friday, April 9, 2010

#4- curvy roads

When I asked God ~
"Why does my road always seem to have so many curves?"

God said ~
"It's because you are not on the right road, My Child!"

- Proverbs 16:17

Wow...this one was a profound one. Hearing God tell me that the answer to my question was because I wasn't on the right road. So that led me to searching what road I was supposed to be on to truly be in His Will. And you know, it did answer that question. About so many curves. Cause when we are not on the right road that God has planned out for us, we do have a lot of curves and those curves are ones that we could avoid by just staying in His Will. And man oh man, does it ever, take us a lonnnnggggg time to get that right. And then again, do we ever, get it right? I think we do at times, and then at other times, we stray off our road. And it is in those times that He leads us back to where we were supposed to be all the time. So why do you think we stray to begin with? Maybe it is our lack of faith sometime that does it, or maybe we just aren't trusting like we should. You know trusting what is up ahead and not being able to see it, is really a hard thing to do. But the more and the more we do it, the more and the more, it comes natural for us to do it. I think there are bends and turns in all of our roads, but it's the "curves" that can throw us off track. We must always keep our focus, and that is to keep our eyes on the One who has our road in His hands. He is the one who has designed it for us anyway, so why do we balk at it? Let's get out of that "me" mode, or the "I can do it myself" mode, and start leaning and trusting on Him to lead us down the right road. He will never lead us astray.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Child-like Expressions #3

When I asked God ~
"How much time do you have to spend with me?"

God said ~
"For you, My Child...I have eternity !"

- John 3:16 is an awful long time, isn't it? Just stop and think about it. How long that is. More than years, and more than a decade, even longer.....! truly blows my mind when I think of how long that really is. And to think that He has it all prepared just for me! Amazing. What a love! What a savior! For us to even imagine that, I think is just too much. For the word says that His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are not our ways. So I really don't think we can even comprehend it, with our little small minds, being as they are. But thinking about it makes me feel such a peace inside. A peace that the word says, passes all understanding. And I think that is how it is going to be, we cannot totally understand it yet, but one day we will. And then we will all be singing "Hallelujah!" And time, I don't even think that time is going to be an issue either. We won't even think about it. We will just be glorying in the King and all He has for us there in eternity. Oh, and let's don't forget, that all of our loved ones who have went on to be with Him, we will NEVER be parted again from them. Oh, such an amazing love, that went and done such a thing for one such as I. Words alone can never express the gratitude and thankfulness I have for Him. Only by living my life for Him and serving Him can I ever feel worthy just to be in His presence. As the song says, I can only Imagine, what it will be like!!!! Oh, what a day!!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Child-like Expressions #2

When I asked God ~
"How do I step out in faith?"

God said ~
"My Child, by taking me at my Word."

- 2 Corinthians 5:7

Don't we all ask ourselves these questions? How can I do it? How do I do it? Faith....evidence of things not seen. Yeah, so...then how am I supposed to keep going when I don't really see where I am going, or what I am going to? These questions plague us all at one time or another. But as I have journeyed along with the Lord over these many years, I have found that FAITH is one of the keys. I have this little saying hanging on my dining room wall that says: "Faith isn't knowing that God can do it, it is knowing that He WILL do it." Amen? Isn't that a great little saying? Something for sure to hold on to in those trying times. When we say how God is going to get us through it, do we really believe that? Or is it just words? I pray that it is more than just mere words. Let it be your way of life. Know in your heart that HE WILL do it, just as he says he will in His Word. And if you aren't sure then, maybe you need to search yourself and see if you "know" His Word. Are you involved in a church where you study the Word? Are you in a Bible study that helps you to grow in the Word? If not, you may want to pray and ask the Lord to lead you to these areas, so you can grow in His Word. You know, I heard a teacher say one time, that "how can we stand on His Word, when we don't know it?" So true. So when God says we are to take him at his word, then that is what we need to do. Trust Him and Trust His Word.

Monday, April 5, 2010

How Child-like Expressions came about

Child-like Expressions came about back in early 2000. It was almost like a dream, but I know that the Lord led me to them and each and every saying. There are over 100 child-like expressions that all ask God a question and each has a response from Him ! So many are just so very simple and that is exactly how we see God and how He will answer us, just simple child-like faith, and you can move a mountain.
By starting this blog, I am going to try and log every day a different saying and hopefully my thoughts regarding what the Lord is saying to me through it and prayerfully what He will say to you as well.
Here is the first one for today. Feel free and log your thoughts as well.

Child-like Expressions

When I asked God ~
"Will it always be so difficult to see the road ahead, you have for me?"

God said ~
"It will, My Child...until you give me the controls !"

~ James 1:5

Through this expression the Lord has shown me that I need to let Him have the controls in everything in my life. Not just the big things. But the small as well. Even something as simple as should I go somewhere or should I do such and such. I have learned to do as His Word says, and to pray without ceasing, and about everything. He wants us to come to Him with all of our problems as well as all of our needs. So when we look to the future and if we see the road ahead is looking difficult, I think that is especially when we need to check and see if we are letting Him have all the controls. Lean on His leading and not on our own.